Monday, October 26, 2009

Vi-yoga: the split personality

Vi-yoga means the split, the yoga between two different awareness. It has been variously examined by our texts. 

A distinct split happens, at a particular stage of your sadhana.  U split between the soul and the wannabe:)
The soul may do anything and does nothing. It is constantly centered, watchful and peaceful. It gives in the sense of that peculiar love state described in Indian rasas as santa: being with one, loving silently.  Oozing love gently, without asking anything in return.
If you can touch base with this core, that is yoga. The jiva slips and twirls and slithers and struggles. In that struggle, it loses sight of That. If you can remember that there is a struggle happening, already you have progressed to some state of subtle awareness.  However, for a meditator the difficult hurdle comes here.  because the meditator believes that calmness must come without the awareness of the struggle around: however, when u realise being calm invariably also bring a very heightened state of awareness, your sense of struggle vanishes.

The most difficult hurdle, to repeat, is where the calmness is felt, surrounded by the struggle. The difficult thing for the meditator is to accept the awareness of these two states.  Then every struggle that is sense about the core of calmness only serves to highlight the peace. Then, bliss!

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