Tuesday, November 10, 2009


When re u  straining... Let's take a small example...

Suppose you are sitting and singing. The neighbour decides to irritate you and starts playing rock music loudly what could u do? U can fret about this. You can fight with the neighbour. U can suggest calmly for him to stop. Or you can shut the door and if the noise is shut off, continue singing. Or you can sing over the noise. Or you can stop singing till he switches off. Or you can sing elsewhere. Which of these options is wise.

In a spiritual person's life, the options to a situation are limitless. The solutions are never easy. There is a lot of agonising.  Part of being a meditator is that you worry that you are not choosing a right option. This can cause immense strain in whatever u are doing.  Some of us strain at the event. Some of us strain at the options. Some of us strain at the choices we have made. Some of us strain at the results of what we have chosen. Some of us strain at all these things. Imagine how exhausting life is for one who has chosen to be spiritual, because the strain of these things get to be overwhelming:)  If life were about just being good or being human it would not matter. There the rules are clear. But a spiritual person extends his or her scope beyond these limited living. So then, how to handle this straining, even though we do know --at the heady level of philosophical and Indian mystic sayings -- that everything plays itself out and will run its course. Karma is in even the small moments --nothing happens that is not part of larger pattern.  In that case what are we straining at? Why are we straining? . Sri Ramana Maharishi puts this down neatly when we suggests that once we have boarded a train we must place the luggage down, and settle down since the train is moving on its own. If we continue to keep the luggage on the head, then then it is our folly which makes us believe we are carrying it. Now the train is carrying. We must let it down, drop it..

Now this can be really really tough. Through history you can see immense conflicts have happened because people have strained at choices...
What should one do? How does one stop straining

Here I am stuck:( 

The answer will reveal itself, when it will...

At least I am not straining at the answer:)

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