Sunday, November 2, 2014

Dharma thoughts: its just about remembering

Prachi, my student who think is more like a little guru to me, once said that some of us feel like aliens in this world perhaps because we are from some oth
er part of the universe. And maybe we are homesick. And then, any case, as all the philosophies assure us -- this lifetime would pass in a blink and we would have made this one part of a whole package of  lifetimes. Adi Shankaracharya says we have to go  through 84 lakh lifetimes to come to this human state which gets a glimmer of the cosmic truth. So, maybe it is all just a rite of passage and we would be past this life, too, in a jiffy.
All of this life, mirage, as all the Saints say, would not matter at all.  Why does that idea offer relief! For those of us being buoyed by a spiritual momentum, there is something very soothing about that thought! Others may fret, and crave a longer life or possibly a deathless state!

Here is Buddha's quote and was he saying the same thing?
"You will forget
and your mind
will lead you away from yourself
Remembrance will lead you home. "

I recall how in Laghu Yoga Vasistha translated by K Narayanaswami Aiyer the world is depicted as a mirage like thing, unreal as  to a child born of a woman married to a reflection. I tried to dig out the quote but could not find it today. But it is an exhilarating quote that speaks of the world in quantum terms, as an image that whose only reality is that it is unreal.

It seems some of us want something that is not of this world. Listen to this Sufi quote:
He (God) asked me, "Bayazid, what do you want."
I replied , "I want what you want."
God was pleaseand said
I am yours and you are Mine."
Shaykh Bayazid Bistami.

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