Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Patanjali revisted: the exhilaration of yoga

Patanjali is surely the most ancient and precise of ancient psychotherapist, neuroscientist and psychologist rolled into one. He is, and I say that without intending any hyperbole, far ahead of those in these field today.
Whenever I read his terse verses and with whatever interpretation, I always experience goosebumps.
I want to spend the next year trying to reconstruct his verses into my practice as an everyday, every moment experience.
Here, in just two verses, right the beginning of his treatise, he throws the gauntlet at you (Chapter 1: verse 2/3)
Yogsch citta vritti nirodah
Tada drastuh svarupe avastanam
So much meaning in so few words: Yoga means stopping the mind's oscillations.
Then (then) the witness shines in his own splendor.
The first part appears easy enough. By the time you swoop into trying to understand the following part, already the mind's oscillations set in..
And what is now, at this phase of my yoga practice is so exhilarating, is the clarity towards the desire to reach that stillness .. mumukshutva..no fake silence, the real thing!

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