Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Stopping the mind, a stage of yoga

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When the mind is restrained, Patanjali promises, the seer will shine in his/her own splendor. But what is that thing that requires to be stopped...what is its nature. Patanjali goes on to express that it is the "mind waves" which are five-fold. And of these,even right knowledge is a movement of the mind.,

Right knowledge.
Wrong knowledge.

It is exciting because, the mind slips in and out of these modifications,creating the illusion of the I and it becomes attached to these modifications, and stops being its true self.

And this stopping of the mind, could be a life-long work in progress.

Here, his other words that explain first what must be done, and why. And then, going on to break up the thing that needs to be stopped. And if it were not stopped, what happens to the mind.. it loops back into itself and becomes a limited ego, where it is invited to become the cosmos.


Vritti Swarupayam Itaratra

Chapter 1, VERSE SIX
Pramana Viparyaya Vikalpa Nidra Smrtyaya

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